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2 People (F&M) massage 90 min

Massaažipuhkus 2 inimesele 90 min (Male and Female masseuses) Teenindus ainult esmaspäeval reedel

  • 1 ча 30 минут
  • 140 euros
  • Champathong Tai salong Thai Massage, Vana-Viru4,

Описание услуги

The special package is for 2 people and it is designed for people who want to have a massage at a payless cost and enjoy the moment of Relaxation with their partner. The package offers a relaxing oil massage, which oil massage brings relaxation healing and various benefits; pressure-point therapy of the Thai massage stimulates the acupressure points along energy lines which can deplete muscular stress. -------- NOTE! This service is offered by on-demand basis and available only with online prepayment option. Sorry for inconvenience.

Правила отмены записи

🙋🏽‍♀ 🗓️🙇‍♀️Please notify us 60 minutes before if you are late or would like to cancel a massage. 🇪🇪Tai massaažisalong Tere! 🗓️🙇‍♀️Hilinemisest või massaažist loobumisest palume teada anda tund enne. 🙏Please call; +372 58229789 Or WhatsApp; ,

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